July 27, 2024

Department of Applied Sciences


Applied sciences are important as they enable science to be more applicable in the real life. They use the existing scientific knowledge to improve the practical applications that certain technologies use. Applied sciences deal with the results of research in the pure sciences like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Agricultural Sciences. Department of Applied sciences includes  various subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Agronomy, Soil Sciences, Horticultural crops, Entrepreneurship, Communication Skills & Personality Development                                         and disaster management.  All these courses are useful for agricultural engineer in order to visualize the concepts and to enhance their practical applicability in their respective courses. 

Career:  With the help of applied sciences, a student can became a good entrepreneur by following the integrated approach system for their livelihood and to meet the requirements of food and agro based industries in our country.

Courses offered by the Department:

AEAS-171- Engineering Mathematics-I (Matrices & Calculus)                                           3(2+1)

AEAS-172- Engineering Physics                                                                                          3(2+1)

AEAS-173- Engineering Chemistry                                                                                      3(2+1)

AEAS-174- Principles of Agronomy and Organic Farming                                                 3(2+1)

AEAS-175- Communication Skills & Personality Development                                         2(1+1)

AEAS-176- Engineering Mathematics-II (Differential Equations)                                      3(2+1)

AEAS-177- Environmental Science and Disaster Management                                           3(2+1)

AEAS-178- Principles of Soil Sciences                                                                                3(2+1)

AEAS- 271- Principles of Horticultural Crops and Plant Protection                                    2(1+1)

AEAS-272- Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management                             3(2+1)

AEAS-273- Engineering Mathematics –III                                                                           3(2+1)

                   (Numerical Analysis and Statistical Methods)

Regular Staff:

  1. Dr. P. Sumathi, Assistant Professor & Head
  2.  Smt. D. Anitha, Assistant Professor